Hey dude, I know this is a really old topic (and I registered only to post this comment), but in case you don't already know, you're a bit of a legend among some Japanese circles now. There's this really popular limited-access video site called nicovideo.jp, which allows for commenting on videos as they're streaming and your Skittles video is seriously one of the most popular. When people make compilation videos of all the most popular/funny stuff on nicovideo, that AMV gets added in too. No joke.

They even translated the outtakes from the end of your video (that's the 'nigger' comments you see).

And you're #7 on the rankings for highest play count of all the videos on that site, for *all* time so far. (You're also currently #6 most favourited video of all time).
Dude, you're fucking awesome. Good job, man. Good job.