I watched your vid, it reminded me alot of my early work in Windows Movie Maker except your video quality was much better than mine used to be.

It wasn't bad for being one of your first videos but you did some of the things I tried to correct in myself as I got further along in AMV making. First, it seemed like you were using alot of the same sequence for a majority of the song and not really following the flow of the music with your cuts. That said, I thought the theme and feel of the music conveyed the mood of the footage pretty well, so that was a plus for it. Some tighter cuts, possible crossfades and a little more correlation of the lyrics to the scenes I thought could have helped the video that much more.
The 2nd thing I saw that you might want to consider adjusting in future vids is the inclusion of subtitles. I'm assuming this is downloaded footage, so I understand if your clips were hard subbed. In these instances, you may want to consider only using non-subbed footage or hiding the subs by clipping the footage or adding black borders. I know it may not seem like a big deal at first, but it often distracts the viewer from the watching experience because they become more concerned with what is being said than the footage itself.
With this being one of your first videos, I think it shows alot of promise and refining your style will definitely come with time and more feedback from experienced editors. I would highly suggest visiting
amv.org to get some constructive feedback and read over some of the great guides they offer for beginners. If you ever need any additional feedback, let me know and I will try to help you out.