Random Destination Boards > Random Destination Radio

Format Suggestions

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no those were possible topics

Hawt pero action is needed :O!

Other than that umm, a sleeker setup. Like uhh actually having an idea what you're going to talk about before going on the air! Making sure technical issues are worked out(like someones mic being too low!). Maybe open some polls during the show and report results periodically through the show. Have a post show rap-up with maybe a link to an mp3 of the show and links to any videos or creators dicussed/interviewed.

More Ghey sects is always nice too :d

Oh and maybe look on the AMV help forums and find newbs asking stupid questions and doing public shame segments...


--- Quote from: Klinky on February 10, 2005, 09:08:01 pm ---Making sure technical issues are worked out(like someones mic being too low!). Maybe open some polls during the show and report results periodically through the show. Have a post show rap-up with maybe a link to an mp3 of the show and links to any videos or creators dicussed/interviewed.

--- End quote ---

Actually, we fixed Knives audio being too low, now it got too loud and gave out a lot of feedback to us.  :P
A post-show wrap up is definitely soemthing we should address though .. maybe ill start taking notes of videos mentioned so we can setup links after the broadcast.

Tsunami Jones:

--- Quote from: DrngdKreationz on February 10, 2005, 08:34:27 pm ---Yeah, I already told both of you (at least koop) my format suggestions via aim

pretty much 2 song sets.
15-20 minutes opening /topic statement( start interview if any)
2 songs
15-20 minutes/Topic (interview) continues/ take a few calls about the current subject
2 more songs (repeast as often as necessary/ break between topics[announce next topic before going to music])
15-20 minutes topic conclusion/state next weeks topic or whatever
2 songs closing

there ya go! ;)

--- End quote ---

I think that that's a really good format, especially with where the interviewee/guest(s) would be in relation with the on-air callers.   


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