We have a new sexy site layout here at RDS! What do you think? : ) Special thanks goes to AtomX for designing the layout in photoshop and beta testing my attempts to make his design a reality as well as Koop for brainstorming the thing.
If you are seeing the old two column layout and not
this, then you are using Internet Explorer 6 and
really should upgrade to Internet Explorer 7... or better yet, a better browser such as
Firefox or
Opera. In any case, any of these three would let you see the new layout.
There went my weekend. x_x
If you find any bugs please let me know.
EDIT: If you are using IE6, you should see the new layout though it won't have all of the cool drop shadows. Also, if you aren't using javascript, the png images will look somewhat messed up... I still recommend upgrading to IE7 or a different browser, but if you can't for some reason, you now are able to at least see the new layout to an extent.