that was a great video, i watched it the day it released i think =/
i can't remember if i OP'd it, but there was alot about it that made me wonder.
esp since ur last big vid before that was Euphoria with Frou-frou ^_^
which btw all my co-workers, including my boss, perve alot, ....i mean the video
what surprised me was the direction u took in Waking hour, you went from
full tech to focused rythme and Melody O_O but it all turned out great tho.
video quility was top-notch, i think thats prolly the shining point of the vid
not a broken pixel in sight, and i've watch waking hour a dozen times.
i do have 1 small question about a scene in waking hour.
there's a scene that shows the char behind a window, at 1st it looked
like just part of the anime, but the more i veiw this part, the more it looks
like there's a color-burn effect in the top portion of the video.
anyhow i guess it dosn't matter since the vid turned out so well.